… may be one of the best Swedish documentaries ever produced. See it!

Per T Ohlsson, Sydsvenskan

Harbour of Hope

Synopsis and text material

Here is text material relating to Harbour of Hope.

Short synopsis
Here you can download the Harbour of Hope short synopsis as a PDF-file - HarbourOfHopeShortSynopsis

Full credits
Here you can download the full credits for Harbour of Hope as a PDF-file – HarbourOfHopeFullCredits

Here is the short list of credits:

Harbour of Hope / Hoppets hamn (2011, Sweden / Poland / Germany / Norway / Denmark, 76 min)
With Irene Krausz-Fainman, Ewa Kabacinska Jansson, Stig Kinnhagen, Joe Rozenberg, Bo Fröberg and others.
Director: Magnus Gertten
Editor: Jesper Osmund
Director of Photography: Jon Rudberg
Composer: Magnus Jarlbo
Written by Magnus Gertten and Jesper Osmund
Produced by Lennart Ström and Magnus Gertten for Auto Images
Executive Producers: Lennart Ström for Auto Images and Marek Nowowiejski for Bow and Axe Entertainment