You do not want to miss if a single word when they talk about their memories…

Annika Gustafsson, Sydsvenskan

Harbour of Hope

Reviews and press coverage

Harbour of Hope contains many heart-wrenching moments.
George Heymont, culture journalist at Huffington Post in his Harbour of Hope review

Harbour of Hope named film of the year
Kristian Lundberg, culture journalist at Swedish newspaper Expressen, has named Harbour of Hope film of the year.


…the film is so well mastered and captures your interest from start till end…
Danish Film Critic Tue Steen Müller gave Harbour of Hope five out of six possible stars at

Magnus Gertten has managed to make a film full of warmth and human presence, even a beautiful film, if one may say so, given the subject matter.
Robert Dahlström in Ystads Allehanda.

You do not want to miss if a single word when they talk about their memories, reflections on what happened, relations with family and especially the mothers’ silence about the disgusting experience of the camps.
‘Harbour of Hope’ talks about what took place in Malmö 1945. Yet the film is relevant in present time. Not least because it simultaneously provides a perspective on how refugees are received today.

Annika Gustafsson, Sydsvenskan
Harbour of Hope getting 4 out of 5 stars in the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan

Harbour of Hope review with four out of five stars at


Harbour of Hope, currently screening in the cinema Spegeln in Malmo, may be one of the best Swedish documentaries ever produced. See it!
Per T Ohlsson, Sydsvenskan

Editor Per T Ohlsson has written a back ground articled entitled When Malmö was the saviour/När Malmö var räddningen.

A very well written article about Director Magnus Gertten’s films with a focus on Harbour of Hope. Journalist Carl Henrik Svenstedt talks about the special “Magnus Gertten aesthetic”. Unfortunately this article is only available in Swedish….

Editor Jan-Olof Bengtsson from Kvällsposten writes an editorial article on Harbour of Hope

Harbour of Hope Gala Screening as news story at the web site of Nordic Film & TV Fund

Reaction to the Harbour of Hope Gala Screening at the Iwasblogg (in Swedish)

Harbour of Hope Gala Screening mentioned at Noble Profile

Harbour of Hope Gala Screening mentioned at Royal Correspondent