You do not want to miss if a single word when they talk about their memories…

Annika Gustafsson, Sydsvenskan

Harbour of Hope

Survivors we have met

Here are a number of survivor stories we have come across when screening Harbour of Hope.

In January 2012, when Harbour of Hope was screened in Jerusalem a  lady raised her hand afterwards. ”Excuse me”, she said. ”Did you see  the little girl with a blanket in her hand, who just had came off  the ship? It is me”, she told the astonished audience.
January 26, 2012. Meeting Fredzia Marmur at a Harbour of Hope screening arranged by the Consulate General of Sweden, the Swedish Theological Institute and Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.

My Mother was on this particular boat. She was what people referred to as a “Musselman” and spent 6 months in the hospital after landing. I am so grateful to the people of Sweden and Denmark where she first landed before proceeding on to Sweden. It is easy to remember the date that her boat landed as it is also my birthdate – April 28th. Though I was born 11 years after. She always said I couldn’t wait and come on time as I wanted to come on her “lucky day”. Sadly, she passed away this February and so will not be here to see this film when it comes. Thank-you for making it.
May 10, 2012. Edith Chmielnicki, Vancouver, Canada.