…the film is so well mastered and captures your interest from start till end…

Tue Steen Müller, Filmkommerntaren.dk

Harbour of Hope

Norwegians arriving to Malmö on April 28 1945

More than 7000 Scandinavians were saved by the Red Cross’s “White buses” during April and May in 1945. Many of the survivors came from the German concentration camps Sachsenhausen and Neuengamme. On April 28, 336 Norwegian and 2 Danish men stepped off the ferry in Malmö into freedom. Attempting to find their identities we have now published the passenger lists with names, dates of birth and professions. In addition we publish unique pictures from Malmö harbor where we believe that these men are visible.

Take a look, reflect and spread the word. We are very grateful for your feedback. Do you have information about any of the people in these pictures? Then please contact us at harbourofhope@autoimages.se.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.