You do not want to miss if a single word when they talk about their memories…

Annika Gustafsson, Sydsvenskan

Harbour of Hope

Buy the dvd

Harbour of Hope is out on DVD with UK and Swedish subtitles. The DVD comes with a Swedish language cover. The DVD contains extra material from the Gala Premiere of Harbour of Hope. On this accasion the main characters from the film came back to Malmö and Joe and Stig were re-united after decades of not seeing each other.

Ordering the DVD
You can order the DVD by clicking Buy Now and pay with credit cards. The price is 150 SEK (app. 18 Euro / 22 USD) which includes shipping and handling.

Harbour of Hope / Hoppet Hamn DVD specifications
Region: Region 2 (Europe)
Format: PAL, Widescreen, Dolby Digital 2.0
Language: Swedish and English with Swedish and English subtitles
Number of discs: 1
Run Time: 76.00 minutes & extra material


Author Lars Åberg and Director Magnus Gertten are telling the stories from the film in book-form and adding a wider range of background  information to the stories. The book is in Swedish. Read more about it and order it online here.

Go to Hoppets Hamn at Ad Libris.

Go to Hoppets Hamn at publisher Roos & Tegnér.